Grumpy Squid Project: $INK and $SQUID WHITEPAPER


Executive Summary For Both $INK & $SQUID

The Grumpy Squid Project introduces $INK & $SQUID, a pioneering cryptocurrency token designed to incentivize participation and investment within its ecosystem. With an innovative economic model that incorporates both deflationary and redistributive mechanisms, $INK & $SQUID aim to create a sustainable and rewarding environment for its holders. This white paper outlines the tokenomics, distribution strategy, and technical aspects of both $INK & $SQUID, underpinning their potential for growth and community engagement.

Tokenomics For $INK

  • Token Name: $INK
  • Max Supply: 2,000,000 $INK

(Supply will continue to decrease because of burn mechanism)

  • Contract Platform: IOTA EVM
  • Contract:0x2FFe5c149D1BB91E34Ed137B63fE4CE00065AAd3

Transaction Fees

Each swap transaction with $INK on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) incurs a total fee of 10%, divided equally into two parts:

  • Burn Fee (3%): This fee is permanently removed from circulation, thereby reducing the total supply of $INK over time. This deflationary mechanism is designed to increase the scarcity and potentially the value of $INK as the total circulating supply decreases.
  • Distribution Fee (7%): This fee is redistributed to all $INK holders relative to their holdings. This system rewards long-term holders and encourages the community to maintain or increase their positions in $INK. The distributed fees can be claimed from the contract at any time via The Grumpy Squid Project website or via the IOTA EVM explorer, providing a continuous incentive for holding the token.

Launch Of $INK

  • The ICO price will be 1 $INK = 0.2 IOTA.
  • 60% of $INK's Total Supply will be used for ICO.
  • 60% of IOTA raised from ICO will go direcly into LP and locked for 1 year.
  • 20% of IOTA raised will be swapped for $SMR and used for $SQUID LP.

Tokenomics For $SQUID

  • Token Name: $SQUID
  • Max Supply: 1,000,000 $SQUID

(Supply will continue to decrease because of burn mechanism)

  • Contract Platform: Shimmer EVM
  • Contract:0x32D5b7f003b679E387bD986a89232cccC6996b54

Transaction Fees

Each swap transaction with $SQUID on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) incurs a total fee of 10%, divided equally into two parts:

  • Burn Fee (5%): This fee is permanently removed from circulation, thereby reducing the total supply of $SQUID over time. This deflationary mechanism is designed to increase the scarcity and potentially the value of $SQUID as the total circulating supply decreases.
  • Distribution Fee (5%): This fee is redistributed to all $SQUID holders relative to their holdings. This system rewards long-term holders and encourages the community to maintain or increase their positions in $SQUID. The distributed fees can be claimed from the contract at any time via The Grumpy Squid Project website or via the Shimmer EVM explorer, providing a continuous incentive for holding the token.

Distribution Strategy At Launch

The entire initial supply of $SQUID tokens was allocated to the liquidity pool to ensure a fair and decentralized distribution. This approach facilitates immediate trading activity and liquidity provision on decentralized exchanges.

Liquidity Pool and Locking

  • Initial Liquidity Provision: 100% of $SQUID tokens were added to the liquidity pool on a leading DEX platform to ensure fair access and distribution.
  • LP Token Locking: To secure the liquidity and build trust within the community, the LP tokens have been locked for a minimum of 1 year using Hedgey Finance, a reputable service for token locking. This prevents the project team from withdrawing the provided liquidity, thus safeguarding against rug pulls.
  • NFT provided by Hedgey Finance for locking LP tokens.


The Grumpy Squid Project roadmap outlines the key milestones, including smart contract development, interactive games, lottery contracts, community building, and possible partnerships. Future developments may include NFT collection to further benefit holders of INK & SQUID token, staking options, farming, and further integration within the DeFi ecosystem.


$INK & $SQUID from the Grumpy Squid Project introduces a compelling opportunity for cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors. Through its deflationary nature and redistribution mechanism, $INK & $SQUID aim to foster a robust and engaged community while also focusing on distributing a portion of project’s revenue to token holders. The project's commitment to, fairness, and transparency positions $INK & $SQUID as a noteworthy addition to the DeFi landscape.


This white paper is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, or any other type of advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to high market risk. The Grumpy Squid Project team does not take any responsibility for personal investment decisions.